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Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Like A Tree

Reposting from old blog

It's really fascinating to me to think about how's people life turned into.
Especially for people I knew since the early years of my life (thx to facebook for some).

Like a tree, life begins to emerge from the earth, with its simplicity to grow upwards, in a tiny secured environment, the world we knew, the friends we have that just as wide as our eyes can look into.

As time goes by, we are governed with natural principles, comply with law of probabilities and receiving greatest God given right, a right to choose, to choose in what direction we wanna grow.

Like a tree, the beauty of life shapes us like branches, suddenly life is not dull anymore, life is becoming more and more beautiful with its variance of chances and possibilities.

Like a tree, life's so fragile, the branches will grow old, dry out and fall back to the earth.

Like a tree, new life will begin to emerge with their own unique path and the old is fading away.

Appreciate differences, appreciate every path we have taken, appreciate every cycle, because that what shapes us and makes life is so damn beautiful.

Kelaperan dan gak ada kerjaan

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